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Showing posts from June, 2017

5 Things Nepalese Needs To Relax About

Living in Nepal isn't easy; it has never been – neither for outsides nor for its own citizens. We may seem celebratory and full of life to the world outside, but only we know how suffocatingly uptight we are in our mindset. Here are 5 things we Nepali really need to relax about! 1. Public Display Of Affection © BCCL We Nepalese want to keep everything under wraps. Most of us were brought up in a way that we feel ashamed about expressing our love to people. It is ironical how it is perfectly okay for people to hurl abuses and broadcast acts of violence in broad daylight – out on the roads, in public transport, and everywhere else, but totally unethical and uncultured to hug or kiss someone you love. 2. Inter-Caste Marriages © Google image As preachy as it may sound, we're people before we are  Brahmin ,  Kshatriya , Vaishya, and Sudra . It takes compatibility and understanding for a marriage to work, not common religious ground...